郑俊强 站长

2022年10月13日 17:21  来源:   作者:郑俊强   供图:编辑:郑俊强  点击:


姓名:郑俊强   站长

性别: 男         

出生日期: 1979.08 


职称: 教授;

学位: 理学博士;









2002 年于沈阳农业大学   植物保护    学士学位;

2005 年于沈阳农业大学    植物病理学  硕士学位;

2008年于中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所  生态学    博士学位。

2008.7-2010.9   助理研究员       中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所

2010.10- 2012.9  副研究员三级      中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所

2012.10-2014.9   副研究员二级     中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所

2014.10-2018.6   副研究员一级     中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所

2010年10月—2011年01月 德国卡尔斯鲁厄研究中心

2011年 09月—2011年12月 德国卡尔斯鲁厄研究中心

2011年12月—2012年12月 澳大利亚格里菲斯大学

2016年03月—2016年07月 芬兰赫尔辛基大学环境系

2018年6 月 至今  河南大学   “黄河学者”特聘教授


1. 国家科技基础性工作专项课题:东北森林国家级保护区及毗邻区土壤微生物调查(主持)(2014FY110600, 2014.05月-2019.04,190万)

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:野猪翻拱对土壤氮同化网络影响研究(主持)(41877340,2019.01-2022.12,61万)

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:野猪翻拱对凋落物氮去向的影响研究(主持)(41673077,2017.01-2020.12,71万)

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:水、氮耦合对长白山阔叶红松林凋落物层真菌氮转移通道的影响(主持)(41473077,2015.01-2018.12,95万)

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:长白山阔叶红松林叶凋落物“分解-腐殖化”过程对水、氮耦合的响应及其微生物学机制 (主持)(41173087,2012.01-2015.12,59万)

6. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:凋落物分解中、后期真菌群落对外源氮敏感性研究 (主持)(41003035,2011.01-2013.12,20万)

7. 中科院国防创新基金:限于机密不公开题目(主持)(60万)


1. Composition and function of microbial communities during the early decomposition stages of foliar litters exposed to elevated CO2. (Sina-Korean Joint Seminar on Climate Change and Forest Ecosystems, Shenyang China)  

2. Carbon cycling in changing climate: Researches on the broadleaved Korean pine mixed forest of Changbai Mt., China. (Korea · China  Joint Seminar on Climate Change)

3. Soil Carbon cycling in changing climate: Introduction of researches on the temperate forest, China (Finland · China (August , 2013) Joint Seminar on Forest Ecology Research, Shenyang, China)


(1) Zheng Junqiang, Wang Yuzhe, Chen Chengrong, et al. Effects of inundation and stranding on leaf litter decomposition and chemical transformation. Aquatic Sciences, (2018) 80: 9  https://doi.org/10.1007/s00027-017-0561-0

(2) Zheng Junqiang, Guo RuiHong, Li Dong et al. 2017. Nitrogen addition, drought and mixture effects on litter decomposition and nitrogen immobilization in a temperate forest. Plant and Soil, 416, 165–179.

(3) Zheng Junqiang, Wang YuZhe, Hui Nan, et al. 2017. Changes in CH4 production during different stages of litter decomposition under inundation and N addition. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 17: 949–959.

(4) Zheng Junqiang, Xu Zhihong, et al. 2014. Non-additive effects of mixing different sources of dissolved organic matter on its biodegradation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 78, 160-169.

(5) Zheng Junqiang, Han Shijie, 2013. Response of Soil Microbial Biomass and Enzyme Activities under Three Temperate Tree Species to Elevated CO2 in Changbai Mountain, Northeastern China. In. Soil Processes and Current Trends in Quality Assessment (Maria C. Hernandez Soriano ed), ISBN 980-953-307-671-8.

(6) Zheng Jun Qiang., Han Shi-Jie, et al. 2010. Composition and function of microbial communities during the early decomposition stages of foliar litters exposed to elevated CO2. European Journal of Soil Science, 61, 914–925.

(7) Zheng Jun-Qiang, Han Shi-Jie, et al. 2010. Microbial activity in a temperate forest soil as affected by elevated atmospheric CO2. Pedosphere, 20, 427–435.

(8) Zheng, Jun-Qiang, Han Shi-Jie, et al. 2009. Effects of long-term CO2 fumigation on fungal communities in a temperate forest soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41, 2244–2247.

(9) Zheng Jun Qiang, Han Shi-Jie, et al. 2008. Effects of long-term elevated CO2 on the enzyme activity of N-fixing, denitrifying and nitrifying in forest soils under Changpai Scotch Pine in Changbai Mountain. Journal of Forestry Research, 19, 283–287.

(10) Yanyan Yu; Yu Shi; Miaomiao Li; Cong Wang; Lanlan Zhang; Zhongjie Sun; Binghai Lei; Yuan Miao; Wenjie Wang; Binhui Liu; Junqiang Zheng*; Haiyan Chu; Shijie Han; Land-use type strongly affects soil microbial community assembly process and inter-kingdom co-occurrence pattern in a floodplain ecosystem, Elsevier, 2022, 179104574-104574. SCIE.

(11) Yanyan Yu; Lu Zhao; Min Cui; Yutong Xiao; Cong Wang; Yuan Miao; zhijie Chen; Yanhong Cao; Junqiang Zheng*; Shijie Han; Exploring slope spatial heterogeneity by nitrogen transfer and arbuscular mycorrhizal community, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2020, 1113683569-3579. SCIE.

(12) Zhang Lei; Zheng Junqiang; Han Xu; Zhang Junhui; Li Chengxu; Geng Shicong; Han Shijie; The effect of soil moisture on the response by fungi and bacteria to nitrogen additions for N_2 O production, Journal of Forestry Research, 2021, 32(5)2037-2045. SCIE.

(13) Yanyan Yu; Hao Liu; Lanlan Zhang; Zhongjie Sun; Binghai Lei; Yuan Miao; Haiyan Chu; Shijie Han; Yu Shi; Junqiang Zheng*; Distinct response patterns of plants and soil microorganisms to agronomic practices and seasonal variation in a floodplain ecosystem, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2023, 141094750.

(14) Yanyan Yu; Min Cui; Yutong Xiao; Mengyu Chang; Cong Wang; Lu Zhao; Yanhong Cao; Yuan Miao; Zhijie Chen; Shijie Han; Junqiang Zheng*; Quantitative estimation of stochastic and deterministic processes for soil prokaryotic community assembly in the Yellow River floodplain, European Journal of Soil Science, 2020, 72(3)1462-1477. SCIE.

(15) Junqiang Zheng; Mingming Cui; Cong Wang; Jian Wang; Shilin Wang; Zhongjie Sun; Feirong Ren; Shiqiang Wan; Shijie Han; Elevated CO2, warming, N addition, and increased precipitation affect different aspects of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community, Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 806150522.

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